This instrument gave voice to my innermost thoughts and helped me find my place in this world. Nearly 20 years later and my clarinet continues to be my compass in life, connecting me to people in new communities, and helping me express ideas that can only be understood through music.
As an orchestral musician, chamber musician, and soloist, my performing crosses boundaries between musical genres and atmospheres, and it has led me to build relationships with people from all over the world. I have performed with orchestras and chamber ensembles throughout the United States, Hungary, Switzerland, and Austria, while interacting with audience members from around the globe. Whether sharing the stage with other musicians, or sharing the music with you, my audience, I am always in awe of the power that music has to strengthen human connections.
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My teaching philosophy embodies the idea that each musician's purpose is to communicate through their music-making. In clarinet lessons, my students learn the skills necessary to become the most expressive clarinetists and musicians they can be. With strong technical and musical foundations, along with an understanding of individuality and dedication, my students achieve clear artistic communication, cultivation, and expression.
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